
Denim Stripes & Stars

I didn't want to wear something complicated  so I opted to wear this fail free and effortless outfit to school.



(clar real, debbie yu, arlene bensal, mica gonzales, me, kheith cruz)

(Thrifted denim vest, Mango top, velvet Terranova leggings, Happy fit flats)

 Valeen's playing drunk barbie doll.cute!=) haha
Sir Chito Sanchez (our prof) KABOG!


DIY polo

I altered my Dad's old polo by putting holes on the shoulders. The holes aren't supposed to be that big, but during the first cut, I initially thought that they were too small so I cut it again to make it bigger. 



Wore this outfit to another whole day Monday in the office. 
(SM shirt, My sister's pants, Andre Chang Clogs)

Bluer than blue

Just another tiring day in school and office. Opted to wear extra comfy clothes and flats so I can freely move and walk around.